These healthy, toddler-friendly muffins are packed full of veggies while still tasting delicious! You might need to double the recipe because you'll want...
This is a dog biscuit recipe my Pembroke Corgi loves to eat again and again! For more fun, use cookie cutters with shapes like cats, fire hydrants, shoes,...
Use this homemade yogurt plain for general cooking or make it vanilla add zip it up for eating. Serve plain or add fresh fruit or spoonful of jelly/jam...
This is a fast, low budget and vegetarian friendly side dish, meal or potluck dish. It serves 2 as a meal and 4 as a side dish. Use pan drippings for added...
Roasted pineapple is a delicious addition to so many dishes. Add the roasted pineapple to your tacos al pastor, chicken dishes, pork dishes, even Asian...
Calabaza squash and garbanzo stew. Vegetarian stew made in the Instant Pot®. You will love it so much that shortly after your bowl is filled it will be...
Made with Medjool dates, pineapples, and coconut, these no-bake, carrot cake-flavored energy bars are simple to make in your food processor. Top with additional...
DIY flax seed milk can not only save money but also keep you from using the store-bought kind with chemicals and additives. Adjusting the amount of water...
I came up with this meal while poor and hungry, and it turned out so good that it's now a frequently requested meal at my house. The eggs are optional,...
Let your oven do the work with this one-pan meal! The veggies cook first, then they are topped with sausage and roasted until everything is tender and...
This vegetarian Italian pasta dish tastes best if you're using sun-ripened cherry tomatoes - that's how it's eaten in Italy. Since you are only using very...
A chocolate caramel cheesecake that nobody would know is vegan! Everybody will love this sweet and much more wholesome version of cheesecake. I made this...
These are nice cupcake treats for dogs that I made up for my dog Presley's 4th birthday. They are perfect for dogs with food allergies. Warning: they don't...
Another flavor version of a previous scone recipe I've used. This one has the food processor technique I've adapted to use chilled coconut oil rather than...
An easy way to incorporate chia seeds, these delicious cookies contain no eggs or butter and are easy to make. Cookies will be soft; allow them to cool...
Healthy, fast, easy, versatile meal with a kick--great as an entree or side dish. You can substitute chicken broth for vegetable broth, if desired. Garnish...
The hubby and I are trying to eat less meat, more veggies. These hold together very well, have good flavor and are very moist. After the first bite the...
Although this does not taste like the the traditional mac 'n cheese recipes most of us grew up with, it will satisfy your comfort food craving while helping...
Delicious warm breakfast, or anytime treat, that tastes kinda like oatmeal but with a nuttier flavor that blends well with the apples. Packs a bigger punch...
This easy, dairy-free ice cream ('nice cream') recipe calls for just a handful of simple ingredients and can be dressed up however you like to create your...
Ostrich and venison are the two meats with the lowest fat contents. Try this for a simple change. Gentle cooking is best (cooking too fast will turn the...
When I was a child, I could never enjoy the fried or smothered liver that Mom made because I didn't like liver. As an adult, wishing to please a liver-loving...
This is a good alternative to the packages you buy in the store. There is no MSG and you control the salt and spices according to your taste. This mix...
We had an Aussie Mix with terrible skin allergies. They were so bad that we had to put her on shots. Finally, a groomer in Austin, Texas suggested eliminating...
The air fryer does a great job on fish, and the topping on these cod fillets is tasty and crunchy. Use the fillets as a main dish with some rice and veggies,...
Do you like Brown Cow® maple yogurt? Well, this is a very delicious homemade version that I created myself, after several frustrating attempts at getting...
Traditionally a Sunday morning treat, but barbacoa is great any morning. Barbacoa can be for the more adventurous, but a real treat none-the-less. I do...
If you love Spam® like my family does, then this is a recipe for you! Super quick and easy. Put on a bed of rice and you've got yourself a meal. My mom...
This vegan ceviche is made with shiitake mushrooms, olives, and tomato. Just like when making seafood ceviche, the ingredients are marinated in a citrus...
A savory vegetarian pilaf of millet and vegetables, flavored with rosemary and wine. My daughter loved that it was made with 'birdseed' and she gave it...
We are not vegetarian but like to eat healthy. I created this because we love to substitute grains and sometimes tofu for meat. When I make one that my...
Mexican-inspired barbacoa using beef brisket in the Instant Pot® is so tender and delicious. Use the meat for tacos or a burrito bowl and top with sautéed...
This is gluten-free, vegan, and dairy-free, if your omit the butter. It is a slightly sweet, savory dish with a kick of spice. Vegetarian comfort food....
This lasts for years. You can keep topping it off with vodka once in a while as you use it; just remember to give it a good shake. You can also make vanilla...